A new year brings excitement and uncertainty, possibility and anxiety, hope and hesitation. And while it’s impossible to predict the future, we can prepare by setting expectations for the year ahead.Each year, studioID gathers industry-shaping insights through our Content Marketing and Demand Generation Predictions survey to provide marketers with actionable ...
It’s no secret that AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini are rapidly reshaping how people search. One survey by The Information found that 77% of its subscribers are using traditional search less. And even when people do use Google, a 2024 Sparktoro study found that 60% of all searches ...
See what’s brimming beneath marketing’s surface. Explore every installment of ‘The Deep End’ — a periodic column brought to you by studioID’s Strategy Group. The last few months have been a wild ride in the world of SEO. From major Google document leaks shedding light on their secretive search ranking process to the ...
This year has been a wild ride for search. After the March 2024 Core update, many sites are in a recovery phase. Niche Site Metrics, an online database that tracks data on various niche sites, found that over 1.7% of sites in its database were de-indexed by Google. Some of ...
As soon as ChatGPT became available for public use, content marketers everywhere were thinking of ways to use it at work. Some of these ideas were better than others, and as one of studioID’s AI enthusiasts, it was up to me to figure out where — and whether or not ...
By Melissa Mattoon (Senior Strategist, studioID) and Lieu Pham (VP of Global Strategy, studioID)At studioID, we publish thousands of headlines each year. And for every one that makes it out there, there are dozens of drafts that don't. Add to that the countless Slack messages, emails, and quick gut-checks with ...
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