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Marketing’s New Power Duo: Generative AI Meets Generative Empathy

Published on Mar 19, 2024

Marketing’s New Power Duo: Generative AI Meets Generative Empathy

Marketing increasingly relies on the seemingly boundless possibilities of generative AI — tools like DALL-E for imagery, ChatGPT, Claude, and Jasper for instantly creating taglines, ads, and even entire campaigns, and prediction algorithms that keep getting smarter. According to Drift, 64% of marketers already use AI to augment strategies, with the vast majority reporting positive outcomes. As these technologies proliferate, they promise to unlock creativity at an unprecedented scale.

Yet, revolutionary impact also demands evolutionary caution. This emerging discipline requires CMOs to adopt new competencies to guide brands through exponential technological change while retaining enduring human values. AI-driven connections may falter without generative empathy – the deep, curious understanding of consumers’ contexts, struggles, and values over time. The Generative CMO takes a strategic leadership approach centered around balancing advanced AI capabilities with a genuine commitment to understanding consumers’ contexts, struggles, emotions and aspirations – and acting on them.

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What Is Generative Empathy?

Generative empathy combines:

  • Cognitive Empathy: Intellectually grasping consumers’ mindsets and desires
  • Affective Empathy: Resonating emotionally with how consumers feel
  • Generative Action: Crafting innovations addressing genuine human needs

Generative empathy goes beyond mere understanding to proactively co-create solutions resonating on a deeper level, and this form of actionable empathy is critical for marketing success.

Brands guided by this approach grasp where target users are coming from and what they truly need. Bringing these generative insights continually into creative decisions prevents losing sight of serving people, not chasing innovation for its own sake. While AI can simulate messages that seem personal or analyze data for insights, genuine connection requires identifying authentic emotional and social contexts and then addressing them with care. Only human creativity applied for human benefit can achieve this.

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Why Generative Empathy Matters Now

The rapid speed of tech innovation leaves little room to address ethical issues around consumer well-being and unintended consequences.

Platforms like Meta have faced backlashes for prioritizing profits over societal impacts, as social media feeds optimized solely for engagement have been tied to teen mental health crises. Despite having sophisticated data analytics, Peloton released a holiday ad that showed a woman receiving a Peloton bike as a gift from her husband. The ad was widely criticized as being sexist, dystopian, and promoting unhealthy relationship dynamics, and it alienated core customers.

Taking a more considerate approach, U.K. insurance startup Marshmallow invested two years in understanding consumer perspectives through grassroots community engagement and kitchen table conversations about car insurance before developing its product. Marshmallow developed an AI-powered platform tailored explicitly to easing pain points within the car-insurance market – resulting in enthusiastic pre-launch support for this consumer-centric foundation, as evidenced by explosive waitlists.

These cases underscore why coupling cutting-edge capabilities with core human virtues is now an urgent mandate for sustainable success. According to Microsoft’s 2022 Global AI Survey, “Most people want AI to emulate human capabilities like reason, judgment, and empathy – not seek to surpass them.” Brands that prioritize understanding consumers’ contexts and emotions when building their AI capabilities will be rewarded with stronger customer loyalty and preference.

In essence, generative empathy complements advanced analytics and automation. Using them in parallel allows marketers to expand intelligence while grounding innovations in actual consumer struggles, emotions, and aspirations. Focusing on just efficiency risks losing that human touch.

Here are four key reasons this combination matters right now:

  1. Personalized engagement requires deep understanding too. Sophisticated emotion-detection tools like Affectiva now boast over 90% accuracy rates. However, interpretations still rely on an intuitive human lens informed by cultural contexts. Furthermore, expressions don’t always align with inner feelings, requiring external perception. So, these systems complement, not replace, the richness of generative empathy.
  2. Trust in automated engagement remains tied to the perception of humanity behind it. A 2020 study by the IBM Institute for Business Value found that consumers are more likely to share data with companies that offer clear benefits in return, such as personalized experiences or improved products and services. As creative AI plays more prominent roles, nurturing this perception through leadership and tone becomes vital so it doesn’t erode.
  3. Empathy drives responsible innovation amidst exponential change. Modeling AI without human insight risks excluding marginalized perspectives and propagating biases. Generative empathy oversight prevents this.
  4. Resonance requires radical listening, not assumptions. Even rigorous data analytics cannot replace tapping directly into the struggles, barriers, and aspirations of the people brands aim to serve. This inside-out connectivity ensures innovations land powerfully.

The bottom line is that technology devoid of human wisdom risks harm. Brands dedicated to growth cannot afford to focus on one over the other. The path forward fuses empathy and AI as interdependent drivers of progress.

Brands That Hit the Generative Sweet Spot

Truly transformative marketing combines cutting-edge technical capabilities with the timeless ability to understand and uplift the human condition. When generative AI and generative empathy come together, they unlock synergistic potential, with each amplifying the strengths of the other.

Getting this blend right unlocks massive potential. Done well, AI becomes an amplifier of human insight and compassion rather than a replacement. The brands combining AI capabilities with generative empathy are already pulling ahead.

  • Retail brands like The North Face use AI to parse customer conversations and pinpoint unmet needs. However, the resulting product innovations still focus on enabling outdoor adventurers to do what they love, not just driving sales.
  • Beauty brand MAC has gone further with the help of AI emotion detection. Their lipstick try-on AR tool doesn’t just show users options but responds in real-time to micro-expressions of joy and doubt, guiding them to shades they’ll truly enjoy.
  • Southwest Airlines has also invested in empathy-centered AI-driven Conversational Systems. Its chatbots field customer requests while gauging satisfaction to connect travelers with agents if conversations go awry. Feedback is then used to improve continually.

These human-centric applications of AI exemplify generative empathy in action: harnessing data to deeply grasp contexts, emotions, and needs, then crafting bespoke solutions.

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Tactical Tips for Building Generative Empathy

Living up to these expectations demands responsible development and application. Technical accountability measures like AI bias testing and emotion detection offer a starting point. But purely technical fixes are insufficient. Continuous collaboration with real people impacted by innovations remains irreplaceable for addressing ethical complexities algorithms alone cannot navigate.

Above all, intention counts. If the prime goal is narrow metrics like clickthrough rates, it becomes dangerously easy to ignore real-life consequences. But when core motivations stem from compassion and creativity applied for good, AI-fueled progress elevates rather than disrupts.

However, activating this practically can be unclear with so many existing marketing priorities. How can CMOs embed these capabilities? Critical starting points include:

  • Establish Lived Experience Advisory Councils of loyal customers to give quarterly guidance on the truths behind data.
  • Host multicultural Design Thinking workshops before campaigns launch and major releases to pressure test resonances.
  • Digitally survey frontline staff interacting with customers directly each month to surface field insights your analysts may miss.
  • Set up real-time online focus group panels you can poll whenever needing additional user perspectives.
  • Set aside dedicated staff time solely for deep listening to uncover overlooked consumer needs.
  • Construct mechanisms enabling rapid engagement at scale when gaps emerge.
  • Pilot “Empathy Labs” — collaborating with partners to design human-centered campaigns. Implement immersive simulations, allowing teams to experience consumer challenges first-hand. Example: Ford’s “empathy belly” pregnancy vest.
  • Tie generative empathy KPIs directly to executive incentive structures. Example: Mastercard’s tying executive compensation to ESG metrics.

The Rise of the Generative CMO

As emerging technologies rapidly evolve marketing capabilities, CMOs have a strategic opportunity to guide their teams toward models that responsibly accelerate growth. The key is balancing generative AI systems – which dramatically increase ideation, personalization, and insights – with a genuine commitment to understanding consumers’ contexts and creatively improving their experiences.

Leading with empathy is morally correct and fuels smarter innovation and commercial returns. Data shows purpose-driven brands outperform the S&P 500, and emotion-focused strategies increase ROI, according to McKinsey & Company. Underserved struggles and unmet needs contain billion-dollar ideas.

💻 Related Reading: What Generative AI Means for Brands — a Marketing Guide to ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Other Artificial Intelligence

This potential is unlocked when CMOs invest equally in technological progress and the well-being of the people technologies impact. By taking on the role of stewards, ensuring innovations align with human values like dignity and compassion, marketing leaders can realize meaningful gains ethically while sustaining competitive differentiation. The brands that will thrive are those guided by Generative CMOs dedicated to driving both shareholder and stakeholder value through technological change. The time to lead forward is now.

This article was written by Gillian Oakenfull from Forbes and was legally licensed through the DiveMarketplace by Industry Dive. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].